For video hosting, most people immediately think of the two most

well-known platforms for video streaming (playback), YouTube and 

a Vimeo ( However, to show videos on your website, we

would recommend that you not use these.

Before, during, and/or after your video plays, ads and notifications

about related videos will automatically be shown, including perhaps

those of your competitors.

Also, they video players contain a lot of buttons, links, menus, etc.

which could be distracting.

We encourage you to allow us to use DropBox to host your videos, as

there will be no ads or related videos displayed and the video player

is very simple and streamlined. 

(Refer to the other FAQ about hosting video on your website.)

However, if you engage us to do SEO work for you, in addition to using

DropBox for your website videos, we will use also use YouTube as a 

means of driving visitors to your website.