There are times when you may want to move your website somewhere else. You may have signed up with a new web hosting company and wish to move it there. You may also want to build a similar site and wish to start building it using a copy of your original website. Perhaps, you just want to sell or give your site to someone else and you need to relocate it.
Whatever the reason, in technical terms, this not called "backing-up" your website, but instead "migrating" your website.
Depending on the web hosting plan you signed up for, the company may provide a service to migrate your website from where it is now to a new location within your hosting account. If this is an easy process and free or not too expensive, you might want to consider this option.
Otherwise, we highly recommend using the "UpdraftMigrator" plugin offered by:
You would only need their basic version for $30 which would give you a full year of unlimited use and 60 days of support.