If you are are unfamiliar with SSL Certificates, first check out this page:
Google and other search engines are pushing for the use of SSL Certificates in order to achieve a more secure internet for everyone. If you don’t have one, visitors to your site will be confronted with a warning that your site is not secure or fully secure. This will get stricter as time goes one.
The reason why you should get one sooner as opposed to later
When you get a SSL Certificate, the beginning of your URL changes from http:// to https:// . If your website is brand new — meaning you have not begun to build pages yet — then there is no problem. But, if your site is not new or if you have already built some pages on a new site, then you may have to go back and change http:// to https:// wherever it is mention in your site. Other problems could also occur. So get one NOW.
Regardless of the size or type of your website, we can provide SSL Certificate at a very reasonable price. Just contact us.